
Different Types of Tutoring: What’s Right for Me?

You read this article and decided that you (or your child) need tutoring to get on track (or stay there!) in school. Now comes the really confusing question: what are the different types of tutoring? And which one is right for me (or us)?

Really, it just comes down to your learning style and scheduling preferences.

Two Types: In-Person Tutoring vs. Online

There are two main types of tutoring: in-person sessions and online sessions.

In-person sessions can happen at Starbucks, the local library, the tutor’s home, your home, or a tutoring center.

For online sessions, they happen somewhere with an internet connection and your computer, so they could also be held at a local library, Starbucks, or your home.

Both types of tutoring sessions will be a one-on-one focus (unless you’re in a class or learning pod) that tailors lessons to your child’s personal needs, so in terms of individual attention, they’re pretty even.

But there are benefits to both types that you may want to consider.

Benefits of In-Person Sessions

Attention Span

I recommend in-person sessions for any client I have in grades K-2. It is much easier to redirect a student whose attention is wandering in person. K-2 students are known to need help with attention as it is.

I find that I can pivot to a brain break with a student in front of me seamlessly without losing important instructional time.

While it is true that brain breaks can occur in virtual sessions as well, I don’t believe this is within educational best practices for young learners.

Hands-On Activities & Supplies

Again, hands-on activities can happen in online or in-person sessions, but in-person sessions only require me to prepare the supplies (like a container of sugar for tracing, Unifix cubes, or something with Play-Doh).

In virtual learning sessions, I send parents a list ahead of time of hands-on supplies needed for the session.

I can do a lot more hands-on learning with you in person. Is that your preferred learning style? In-person sessions are your best bet.

Benefits of Online Sessions

21st Century Skills

Tech in jobs is here to stay. Online tutoring puts tech in your hands.

You use typing, communication, and flexibility in a virtual setting at all times.

We don’t know what jobs will be around that haven’t been created yet. That’s awesome! But, it’s also a challenge. Since that’s the case, teaching these 21st Century Skills is how I’m also preparing you for the workforce.

Scheduling Work-Arounds

As a tutor, I’m able to push out virtual assignments easily online. I do the same with virtual manipulatives and links to sources. In my practice, I use Google Classroom. Additionally, recording and uploading video content in addition to meeting in real-time are also benefits of virtual sessions.

This is super beneficial if my client is in a different time zone. It comes in very handy when I need to pivot from in-person when we have a bad weather day.

Are you busy with extracurricular activities? Meeting with me online is your best bet.

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