In this post, I reflect on Destination STEAM Camp 2023 including what we did for art and science and lessons learned for next year!
Math in Nature
Sometimes taking the content out of the classroom and into the world is just what you need. Math in nature is a wonderful teacher.
3/14: Celebrating Pi Day!
Happy 3/14! We’re almost always on Spring Break for Pi Day, so this is a silly and fun way to celebrate it at home!
What are Fiber Arts?
What are fiber arts? Moreover, why fiber arts? And how can they be used in the classroom? This post will answer all that and more!
What is Geometric in Art?
Geometry is best known as a math subject. But is it also an art subject? There’s a beautiful connection between math and art in geometry.
What is arts integration?
Arts integration is magic, shifting pedagogy, the what and the how, student engagement gold, and rethinking assignments.